Town of Wethersfield Fireworks 2025
There are no items to display at this time
The Town of Wethersfield is happy to announce that the annual fireworks celebration is returning on Saturday, May 31, 2025 at Cove Park in Old Wethersfield. Starting at 5:00 pm, the event will include live music, DJ, activities for kids, food vendors and more. The fireworks show will begin at approximately 9:00 pm. For more information about the event please contact Wethersfield Parks and Recreation at (860) 721-2890 or via email at
If you are a Wethersfield business community, organization, or individual interested in supporting this year's event please fill out and submit a Sponsor Application.
2025 Sponsor Application
All vendor spots have been filled for the event. We are not accepting new application at this time.
Free shuttle service will be provided from the Pitkin Community Center (30 Greenfield Street) to the Solomon Welles House. Shuttle bus service will run continuously from 5:00 pm - 10:30 pm.
Street Closings
Below please find the streets that will have "No Parking" signs posted for the fireworks event:
- North and South sides of State Street
- East side of Main Street from Hartford Avenue to the Cove (With the exception of designated parking areas)
- East side of Hartford Avenue from State Street to Avalon Place
- Nott Street / Garden Street Island
- State Street / Hartford Avenue Island
- South side of Avalon Place from Hartford Avenue to Harmund Place
- East side of Harmund Place from Wilcox Street to cul-de-sac
- South side of Northbrick Lane from Hartford Avenue to cul-de-sac
- South side of Nott Street from train tracks to Hartford Avenue
- East side of Hartford Avenue from Nott Street to Main Street
- East side of Meggat Park from State Street to Hartford Avenue
- North side of Howard Avenue
- Hart Street (Both sides)
- Hanmer Road (Both sides)
Rain Plans
In the event of inclement weather, the fireworks display will be postponed to Saturday, June 7, 2025. Up to date information will be announced on the Parks and Recreation Department information line at (860) 721-2890, on the Town of Wethersfield Fireworks Facebook page and through the Wethersfield Alerts Community Notification System.