First, which facility(ies) and/or program(s) do you wish to comment upon? |
Facility(ies) Program(s) |
1. Have you ever participated in any of our program(s) before? |
Yes No |
2. Are you a Wethersfield resident? |
Yes No If not, what town?
3. How did you find out about the program(s)? |
If Other:
4. Which categories most influenced your decision to participate in the program(s)? (May select more than one.) |
If Other:
5. How did we do? Please rate the following: |
A. Customer Service
B. Facility
C. Equipment
D. Instruction
E. Staff
F. Overall experience G. Met expectations
6. Would you re-register for the program(s) based on your experience? |
Yes No |
7. Would you recommend the program(s) based on your experience? |
Yes No |
8. What did you particularly like about the program(s). Please specify program(s). |
9. What other program(s) would you would like to see offered? |
10. What changes would you like to see made? Please specify program(s). |
11. Would you be willing to pay more for programs if price hikes were necessary due to increased service costs? |
Yes No |
12. If yes, how much of an increase would you be willing to pay? Please specify program. |
13. What additional information would you like to see presented on the town web site pertaining to government information or recreation programs/facilities? |
14. Age and gender of participant(s). Please specify age and gender of each participant. |
A. Age:
B. Age:
C. Age:
D. Age:
E. Age:
F. Age:
15. Would you like a member of the staff to contact you? |
Yes No
Phone Number:
Email Address: