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Therapeutic Recreation

Therapeutic Recreation Programs and inclusion services are provided by the Parks and Recreation Department for people with disabilities ages 3 through senior citizens. The department facilitates these opportunities for active participation and inclusion on a variety of levels, are designed to meet an individual's needs and interests. The year-round program provides unique experiences in after school programs, vacation programs, summer camps, special Rec Club trips and Special Olympics training. Programs offer a variety of activities such as arts and crafts, fitness, golf, dance, cooking, sport and games, yoga and nature exploration. Adults enrolled in the Therapeutic Recreation Social Club have the opportunity to assist with trip planning. Door to door transportation provided for Wethersfield residents; non-residents will meet at the Pitkin Community Center (30 Greenfield Street).

Wethersfield Special Olympics provides year round training and competition is also available. Depending on the season, staff and volunteer coaches work with local athletes to develop sport specific skills. Athletes train and can compete in regional and state tournaments. Wethersfield Special Olympics has had the opportunity to send athletes to national and world games. Training is offered in the following sports: Traditional/Unified Bowling, Unified Basketball, Snowshoeing, Soccer Skills, Traditional/Unified Track and Field, Unified Golf and Bocce. Interested athletes, volunteers and unified partners may register with Special Olympics-CT and join our local Special Olympics-Wethersfield program.

Services for People with Disabilities

To inquire further about programs, contact Jahlim Cuttino, Therapeutic Recreation Supervisor, at (860) 721-2765.