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Records Unit

It is the responsibility of the Wethersfield Police Department Records Unit to maintain the records of this division in accordance with the department's general orders and applicable state and federal statutes. It is the goal of the Records Unit to maintain an accurate, complete and efficient records keeping system designed to record, file, retrieve and disseminate information in an efficient and timely manner.

The hours of operation for the Records Unit are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. The Records Unit is closed on weekends and holidays. Persons may contact the Records Unit at (860) 721-2921.

Records Requests

Record requests are done on a first come first serve basis; expect a minimum of a 48-hour turnaround.

Please keep in mind that Officers are given up to two weeks to complete their report.

Persons who may wish to request a report may do so in person, via mail, or on the web (in some cases).

The release of records, however, will be governed by department policy, state statute and federal law. Typically active cases, arrests involving juveniles/ youthful offenders, uncorroborated allegations, witness statements, medical reports and the identity of certain persons such as sexual assault victims will not be released.

Case reports involving arrests may not be available in their entirety until the charges have been adjudicated in court or upon approval of the State's Attorney. Charges that have been dismissed or erased are not available for release.


Motor Vehicle Accident Reports

Motor vehicle accident reports are available at the Wethersfield Police Department Records Unit.

A fee of $.50 per copied side is charged for all reports.


You may obtain your motor vehicle accident report online via:

Note: Please enter a full 10-digit case number on the website (ex. 2400012345). Hyphenated and/or abbreviated case numbers (ex: 24-12345) will yield negative results.

Please note that officers have up to two weeks to complete their reports.


Background Checks

A local criminal record check, typically for employment purposes, is available and may be made in person with a valid photo identification. There is a $5 fee for the background check. This records check will be for Wethersfield Police Department arrests only or for persons who have resided in the Town of Wethersfield for a period of at least two years. For a State of Connecticut criminal history check, you may visit the State of Connecticut, State Police Bureau of Identification web site for additional information.

Attention Individuals Seeking Fingerprint Services, Please Read the Following:

The State of Connecticut recently changed the fingerprinting process for individuals attempting to seek a Connecticut Criminal History Request. As part of this request, the State has provided a website for individuals to pre-register before having their fingerprints taken at their local Police Department. This website is also used to collect many of the associated fees (State of Connecticut Fees and FBI fees) via the use of a credit card; unfortunately at this time any fees required by the Town of Wethersfield for fingerprinting services are not collected on this website and need to be paid in person (by CHECK, MONEY ORDER OR EXACT CASH) at the time of the fingerprint appointment. 

This pre-registration process includes a service code needed to successfully register. Once a fingerprint applicant has pre-registered, they will be provided with an authentication code. Only after receiving this authentication should a fingerprint appointment be made with the Wethersfield Police Department, where the authentication code and the individual’s photo identification will need to be presented. Below you will find a link to the pre-registration site, as well as a list of commonly used service codes. 

Thank you for your patience during this transitional period. 
Pre-registration website:

List of Commonly used service for Wethersfield Police Department:
Service Code Type of Service
C9A1-2F35 Pistol Permit
30F7-6102 State Only Fingerprint Support Search 
FE66-5B20 Town Solicitor/Peddler Permit
70ED-F101 Precious Metals and Stone Dealers License
DF78-9E65 Pawnbroker License

If you find that these service codes do not fit your particular need, please contact us at for further assistance.
The above procedures do not apply to individuals needing to have ink fingerprint cards completed.

Town residents who need to be fingerprinted may make an appointment using the link below. There is a $10 fee for background/ employment related fingerprinting; you must supply your own fingerprint card. Please have your fingerprint card filled out before entering the building. Fingerprinting for permits does not require a card as that will be handled as part of that process, however an appointment is still required. Fingerprinting hours may vary so please reference the online booking system for available hours.  If you are more than 5 minutes late to your appointment, you will need to reschedule your time. If you cancel your appointment, you must reschedule. Please do not just show up as we have a schedule to follow.

Thank you for your understanding.

*** Fingerprinting services are available only to Wethersfield residents or individuals being hired by the town. ***

Book an Appointment (opens in a new window)      



Contact Information

Address: 250 Silas Deane Highway

Routine Calls: (860) 721-2900

More Contact Information