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This is a summary of the various Boards and Commissions - what they do and when they meet. Some are established by the Town Charter others by the Code of the Town of Wethersfield. They all follow rules [Minority Representation] and regulations per Charter and/or Connecticut General Statutes. All affiliated and unaffiliated electors are eligible. Many of Boards and Commissions have informational web pages, and the Town Clerk's office maintains a list of the members of the Boards and Commissions.
Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities — composed of eight members. The committee "shall inquire into the needs of the disabled and make reports and recommendations to the Council." Meets on the third Wednesday of the month.
Board of Building Appeals — composed of five members and three alternates. The board hears all appeals from the ruling of the Building Inspector in the enforcement of the Building Code and renders a decision approving, modifying or reversing such rulings. Meetings are held as needed.
Board of Tax Review (Board of Assessment Appeals) — composed of three members. Board accepts residents' requests to have their tax assessments reviewed. In accordance with State Statutes the committee meets at least 3 times in March or April (usually more, possibly including Saturdays) and for motor vehicle assessments at least once (usually 3 times) in September.
Building Committee — composed of seven members. Council appoints an Advisory Building Committee for each capital improvement project for which a referendum is required. Appointed by Charter Sec. 512, serve until completion.
Capital Improvement Advisory Committee — composed of five members. Committee advises Council prior to budget sessions in developing planning, prioritizing and implementing capital improvement projects within the Town. Meets three or four times a year at the direction of the Chairman.
Economic Development and Improvement Commission — composed of nine members and two alternates. The Commission was established for the promotion, improvement and development of the economic resources of the town. Meets the second Thursday.
Ethics Board — composed of five members and three alternates. Board is charged with the administration of the Code of Ethics. The board adopts rules of procedures, which it deems necessary to carry out the intent of the code. Meets as needed.
Fair Rent Commission — composed of three members and one alternate. Commission studies, investigates and hears complaints on excessive rental charges for housing accommodations (except those rented on a seasonal basis), and may mediate to force compliance. Meets as needed.
Flood and Erosion Control Board — composed of five members and three alternates. Board is authorized to plan, layout, acquire, construct, reconstruct, repair, maintain, supervise and manage a flood or erosion control system. Meets as needed.
Historic District Commission — composed of five members and three alternates. Commission promotes the town's education, culture, economic and general welfare through preservation and protection of buildings, places and districts of historic interest within the town and protects the many architectural phases of the Connecticut River Community. Meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month.
Human Rights and Relations Commission — composed of nine members and three alternates. The purpose of the Commission is to (1) Promote mutual understanding and respect among all racial, religious, ethnic and other groups. (2) Secure equality of treatment and opportunity for all human beings. (3) Cooperate with governmental and non-governmental agencies and organizations having like or kindred functions to those of the judgement of the Commission will aid in promoting its general purpose. (5) Offer its services and cooperate with other agencies and departments of the Town in promoting a healthy community. Six meetings per year.
Inland Wetlands and Conservation Commission — composed of nine members and three alternates. This commission was established per "An Act Concerning Inland Wetlands and watercourses" by the Connecticut General Statutes. This commission shall have all powers and responsibilities as authorized under the statute. In addition, "…the Commission shall also have as its purpose the development and conservation of natural resources, within the territorial limits of the Town." Meets on the third Wednesday of the month.
Insurance Committee — composed of seven members. Duties include (1) Review Town Risk and Insurance program and develop specifications for proper scope and forms of insurance. (2) Establish minimum requirements for Agent of Record to administer Town Risk and Insurance Program. (3) Propose to Town Manager a minimum of two people capable of being Town Agent of Record. (4) Propose to Town Manager acquisition procedure to serve Town's interest in risk or insurance programs. Meets on the third Thursday of the month.
Library Board — composed of nine members. Board oversees the operation of the Library. They work with the Library Director on operations and budget. Meets the fourth Tuesday of the month.
Planning & Zoning Commission — composed of nine members and three alternates. The commission has the authority to hire engineers, planers, draftsmen/women and others as needed. Commission oversees projects to see that they conform to the Town's Planning and Zoning requirements. Meets the first and third Tuesday of each month.
Parks and Recreation Board — composed of seven members. Board advises the Director of Parks and Recreation on use of recreation facilities and programs. Promotes recreational programs for town. Meets every fourth Thursday of the month.
Senior Citizens Advisory Committee — composed of twelve members and two alternates. Committee conducts inquiries into needs of Town senior citizens. Once a year Committee reports to Council the conditions and concerns of seniors in town, and makes recommendations for program considerations. Meets the third Thursday. Members must be at least 55 years of age.
Shade Tree Commission — composed of five members for a term of three years. Commission serves as advocates for the choice and care of attractive trees. Need to have a working knowledge of the habitat, planting, growth, care and placing of trees. (More details can be found in the Code of Wethersfield.) Meets every second Monday of the month.
Wethersfield Heritage Commission — composed of eleven members and two alternates. Commission promotes and encourages tourism; make visitors to New England aware of Wethersfield's heritage and its historic and scenic sites. They also coordinate a year round calendar of events and assist in promoting Wethersfield as "Ye Most Auncient Town." Meets on the last Tuesday of the month.
Youth Advisory Board — composed of thirteen members. Board inquires into the needs of youth in the community and reports the results to the Town Manager and Director of Youth Services. They also sponsor programs of benefit to youth. Meets on the first Thursday of the month.
Zoning Board of Appeals — composed of five members and three alternates. The Board is a means for residents and businesses to petition for a variance to the zoning standards. Meets the fourth Monday of the month.