Curbside Refuse and Recyclable Pick-Up
The town contracts with Paine's, Inc for curbside refuse and recyclable collection. Refuse is picked up weekly and recyclables every other week. Please consult the Curbside Collection Schedule for a street-by-street listing. (Bulky items are picked up separately, by request.)
Automated Collection
The town provides each residence with two heavy duty barrels on wheels that are easily rolled to the street. The green barrel is for refuse and the blue barrel for recyclables. There is a choice of container size depending upon the need of the resident. Residents have the option of leasing a second barrel for $300 each fiscal year (July 1st to June 30th) by contacting Paine's at (860) 844-3003. (The fee is not reduced for a partial year's use.)
Only refuse contained in the barrel will be collected. On collection day place the barrel within two feet of the curb and away from obstacles such as your mailbox or recycling barrel. The handle should be turned away from the street. Please do not put your barrel in the street. Routes start early; barrels should be out by 7 a.m.
Acceptable Items
The green barrel is for Refuse. This is trash is generated from within the resident's home. All trash should be bagged and placed in the barrel. An example of items that should not be placed in the green barrel are the following: compostable items such as grass, leaves, pine cones or other tree droppings, and garden waste. Do not put brush, rocks, concrete, hazardous materials, or recyclable items in the green barrel.
The blue barrel is for Recyclables. These items should be placed loosely in the barrel. All recyclable items should be clean and empty. Recyclable items are plastics #1-7, food/alcohol glass containers, metal and aluminum cans, paper products, such as newspaper, junk mail, magazines, corrugated cardboard, and cereal boxes.
Pink Barrel Campaign Against Cancer
Paine's instituted a campaign where residents can substitute a green refuse barrel with a pink refuse barrel if they donate a minimum of $20 to a cancer charity of their choice each year they have the barrel. In turn, for every pink barrel distributed, Paine's will make a donation to a cancer charity. Those interested in participating may call Paine's at (860) 844-3003.
Single-Stream Recycling
The recycling page describes in detail items to put in your recycling barrel.
Wethersfield's recyclables are processed at MIRA’s state-of-the-art single-stream recycling facility in the South Meadows section of Hartford.
Refuse Collection Holidays
Please visit Paine's website for the current Holiday Schedule.
New Year's Day |
January |
Memorial Day |
May |
Labor Day |
September |
Thanksgiving Day |
November |
Christmas Day |
December |
Curbside collection is delayed by one day after those holidays, and the Transfer Station at 100 Marsh Street will be closed on those holidays.