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Early Childhood Programs at the EBW Nature Center

Join us for one of EBW Nature Center's early childhood programs as we discover the animals residing at the Nature Center and explore the natural world around us.  Programs include literacy, music, math, and art connections as well as circle time and games to help develop social skills and build upon a child's natural affinity towards nature.  All classes offered are for parent/caregiver and child and separate classes are offered for 2 year olds, 3 year olds, and 4/5 year olds.

Nature School - Tadpoles

Age 2 to 3.5. Parent/caregiver and child participate in educational and hands-on activities utilizing curriculum focused on the animals residing at the EBW Nature Center.  Using their five senses, children will compare and contrast their anatomy, habitat, and diet to the reptiles, mammals, birds, fish, and amphibians at the Nature Center. Activities include literacy, music, and art connections as well as outdoor exploration.  Circle time and games will help develop social skills and engage curiosity about the natural world. 


Ages 3-5 .Parent/caregiver and child participate in hands-on activities using nationally recognized curriculum, Growing Up Wild. Activities will connect young children to nature and expose them to new math and literacy vocabulary. Through music, movement and art spark creativity and build on a child’s natural affinity towards nature. Each activity will have a take home connection which will enable the participant to continue exploring at home.



Age 2-5. Parent/caregiver and child learn about wild turkeys through songs, stories, games and crafts. Visit some of our feathered friends at the Nature Center and take an outdoor walk weather permitting. Bring a snack for story time.



Age 2-5. Parent/caregiver and child celebrate the shortest day of the year in anticipation of longer and brighter days to come. Explore the Winter Solstice through crafts, music, movement, stories and games. Make yummy treats for our animal friends during this time when it is hard to find food. Please bring a small snack and dress appropriately for a short outdoor walk.



Summer Opportunities

Outdoor Nature school

Age 2-5. Parent/caregiver and child participate in hands-on outdoor activities to engage their curiosity about the natural world and develop social skills. Circle time, games, animal and plant observations and guided exploration of Mill Woods Park. Held entirely outdoors except in heavy rain.


Nature School on the Go

Age 4-5. Parent/Caregiver and older or experienced nature schoolers participate in hands-on outdoor activities to build on their experiences with the natural world and peers. Circle time, games, wildlife observations and guided exploration of Mill Woods Park and other outdoor spots in town and surrounding areas. Held entirely outdoors.


See Brochure for specific dates and times