The EDIC is the town's designated development agency and was established to promote Wethersfield as an attractive location for new business, to retain and expand our valued existing businesses and to increase the tax base and employment opportunities in Wethersfield. The commission seeks to coordinate the activities of all organizations interested in promoting economic development in the town. The commission works closely with the Town Council, the Wethersfield Chamber of Commerce, the Tourism Commission, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Redevelopment Agency.

The commission has created several subcommittees in an effort to implement the recommendations of the town's Economic Development Strategic Plan: Marketing/Communication and Finance. Several initiatives have been created by the EDIC including: a Tax Incentive Program, the Façade Improvement Program, a Business Development & Expansion Program, Small Business Investment Loan Program and the annual Salute to Business event.

The commission works through the staff from the Economic and Community Development Department to promote the community. The commission also works to market development opportunities throughout the town via the distribution of a quarterly report listing available properties in town.


The Commission consists of representatives from the business community, the Chamber of Commerce, the community at large and the various town boards and commissions. The EDIC consists of eleven members and four alternates appointed by the Town Manager:

Commission Members:
Mark Trahan, Chair
Debra Raymond, Vice Chair
Wesley Broulik
Tom Carson
Mirella D'Antonio
Bryce Hardy
Cindy Jacobs
Judy Keane
Anna Laurie
Tony Martino
Marco Pace

Commission Alternates: Lisa Bowman, Dan Heffernan and a VACANCY

Ex Officio Non-voting Members:  David Drake, PZC Liaison and Miki Duric, Town Council Liaison

Meeting Schedule

Meetings are typically held on the second Thursday of each month at Town Hall, 505 Silas Deane Highway. The commission's meeting minutes are available online. For further information contact Gioia Zack, Economic Development Director 860-721-2838. 

The Great Elm

The Great Elm is a new web site developed by the EDIC. The Great Elm's mission is to bring citizens closer to the things that are important to life in Wethersfield. You can visit the Great Elm by going to TheGreatElm.com.