Youth Programs

After School Achievement Program (a.s.A.p.) 

After School ACHIEVEMENT Program is designed to offer after-school enrichment activities to all interested 7th and 8th grade students at Silas Deane Middle School and Corpus Christi School.  The goal of a.s.A.p. is to provide this age group with after school leisure time activity exploration and development within the framework of a primary prevention model. Programs include  Minecraft Mondays, Basic Baking and Interactive Engineering to name a few.  

Fall, Winter and Spring sessions are offered Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2:45 to 3:45 pm. Sponsored by the Town of Wethersfield Social and Youth Services in collaboration with Silas Deane Middle School, Wethersfield Parks and Recreation, the Keane Foundation and the Capitol Area Substance Abuse Council. financial aid available.


After School Sports Clubs at Silas Deane Middle School  is open to all 7th and 8th graders!  Activities run from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. (students be able to take the late bus home).  Each day will be a different Sports Clubs.  Monday will be Basketball Club, Wednesdays will be Volleyball Club.  Thursdays will be Kickball Club.  In the Spring, Mondays will be Basketball Club, Wednesdays will be Soccer and Thursdays will be Flag Football.


Friday Night Hangout

A great opportunity for 6th and 7th graders to hang out with friends and meet new ones. Play basketball, dodgeball, kickball, board games and just hang out. Each month two of the Friday nights are reserved for 6th graders and the other two Friday nights are reserved for 7th graders. Program is held at the 9/11 Memorial Sport Center Gym. Financial aid available. All participants must be preregistered.

No Walk-ins or registrations will be accepted at the door


See brochure for registration information


Youth Advisory Board

The Youth Advisory Board is a thirteen-member council appointed board comprised of Wethersfield citizens and town representatives (Board of Education, Wethersfield Police Department, Social and Youth Services, and Town Council). The Board’s purpose is to gather information from youth and adults in town to form youth policies and to develop youth programs in response to town needs. It also serves to advocate for youth issues and disseminate relevant information to the appropriate audiences who have interests or involvement in drug, alcohol and tobacco prevention efforts. The YAB meets the first Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. in the Fireside Room Room  Located in the Community Center. 30 Greenfield St. All meetings are open to the public.

YAB IT! Scholarship Award

One of the goals of the Town of Wethersfield’s Youth Advisory Board is to instill community service in students that will remain with them for a life time. To that end, The Youth Advisory Board (YAB) offers a $1,000 scholarship to any current Wethersfield senior in high school to use towards college expenses. College can include a two year junior college, four year college, and technical or vocational school.