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Citizen Complaint Procedures and Form

If you have a complaint against a Wethersfield Police Division employee you may write a letter, telephone, or fill out this form. If your complaint concerns a summons or infractions ticket, you should keep in mind that the forum for any defense is the courtroom. The back of the summons or ticket will explain your options and how to go about getting your day in court. If your complaint is about the employee's actions or attitude and you wish to make a formal complaint, follow these procedures.

  1. Once the complaint is lodged by letter, telephone, or pamphlet it is assigned to a ranking officer by the Chief of Police.
  2. The officer assigned the investigation will contact the complainant to clarify the complaint and make arrangements for a sworn complaint statement to be obtained. Investigations may still occur even if the complainant wishes to remain anonymous or does not wish to give a formal statement.
  3. Once the complainant's statement is obtained, the Investigating officer will obtain a statement from the officer(s) in question.
  4. The investigating officer will then objectively seek out additional evidence, such as witness statements or physical evidence to prove or disprove any statement obtained.
  5. The investigating officer will prepare an internal affairs report to the Chief of Police that includes the complaint, all the facts of the investigation, statements, conclusion, and recommendation.
  6. The Chief of Police will make the decision as to disposition based upon the analysis of the investigating officer's report, the investigating officer's recommendation, and any other facts or circumstance which may apply to the disposition finding. The classifications of disposition are:
    1. Unfounded: When there is sufficient evidence to prove that the complaint or incident is false or not factual and did not occur.
    2. Withdrawn: Where the complainant withdraws the complaint prior to the investigation being concluded or will no longer cooperate in the investigation or testify at a hearing, leaving any proper disposition unobtainable.
    3. Not Sustained: When there is insufficient evidence to clearly prove or disprove the complaint or incident.
    4. Exonerated: When there is sufficient evidence which indicates that an act or incident did occur. but the employee's actions were justified, lawful, and proper.
    5. Sustained–No Discipline: When there is sufficient evidence to establish that the incident did occur and the facts or circumstances support the determination that the employee's actions constituted misconduct.
    6. Sustained–Discipline: Similar to above, but the circumstances warrant that the employee be disciplined with some type of punishment
  7. The following form should be filled in to initiate a citizen's complaint and a subsequent internal investigation. With your contact information we will be able to reach you in case we have any questions.
Note: Entries are required for all items. Enter None or n/a if not applicable.

Contact Information:

Street Address: 
City, State, Zip: 
Email Address: 
Complaint Against:  Public Service   Employee
Incident Date: 
Officer Involved: 
Rank:  On-Duty   Off-Duty
Witness: (If Any) 
Witness 1: (Name, Address, Phone Number) 
Witness 2: (Name, Address, Phone Number) 

AUTHORIZATION: By clicking "submit" on this form I hereby authorize the action requested and/or police use of the information supplied.

IMPORTANT: When you submit this form a confirmation page will be displayed. To keep a copy of your submission, print the confirmation page. After your information is confirmed, you may terminate your connection to this site.